Monday, 9 March 2020

You can't think of St. Patrick's Day without thinking of wonderful Irish music!   I want to pay tribute and thank all of the musicians, singers, and song-writers who have left us such a wonderful legacy of song and dance, and to all of those still writing and keeping those musical spirits alive and laughing for us.
Some of my favourite musical memories were the many times over the years we were entertained by  Mervin Kelly and his friends in the Celts group, and by my Uncle Jimmy and my father who would entertain us at family events, at the Metcalfe Farmers' Market,  and would occasionally sit in with Mervin's group.  For all of you musical Irish spirits out there:

Paddy Smiled

Old Paddy made a sorry sight,
His clothes had had their day,
But, he brought the fiddle to his chin,
And Oh, could Paddy play!

The bow, it jumped and danced along,
The notes freed from their staff,
And as others clapped and sang along,
Oh, did Paddy laugh!

His laughter took him back again,
To life in County Clare,
To friends around the table,
To family over there;

He turned those memories into song,
A tear plucked every string,
Then, all went quiet in that room,
For oh, could Paddy sing!

Then up he hopped
From where he sat,
And stepped out toe and heel,
Folks jumped up to join right in,         
As Paddy played a reel;

The room was filled with gaiety,
Hearts lifted for awhile,
Strangers now became his friends,
And oh, did Paddy smile!

Every sharing touches a life,
A hard times smile shines the furthest!