I thought
that working on puzzles was supposed to be good for your brain? That was my intention (honest!) when I pushed
the go button on the Jigsaw Puzzle site.
Now I feel like the fellow in my
'Computer Games' poem (from "How To Wash A Puddle"). 'I've been sitting here at least an
hour,' Make that an hour and a half,
then two hours! Talk about an obsession
taking hold! You know you're in trouble
when you start looking at beautiful scenery around you, and you start picturing
it in puzzle pieces! It's given my 3
a.m. wake-up sessions a whole other reason to worry - putting together a puzzle
in my mind does not make for a good sleep potion. I'd try counting sheep, but then, I'd be
dismantling them into their various parts before they got over the proverbial
fence. Help!
Time is so
precious - I should be putting it into one of the many really worthwhile
obsessions. I don't know how many of you
have read the book called, 'The Magnificent Obsession'; It was written many years ago, in 1929
actually, by Lloyd C. Douglas (Douglas
was also the author of 'The Robe' among many other books that were made into
inspiring movies). The theme of the
book is the 'pay it forward' concept.
The main character has a life-altering experience: He is saved from drowning at the expense of the life of a much-loved
doctor: He leaves his life of frivolity,
and is inspired to become a physician, saving the lives of many others, to pay
back the sacrifice that was made for him.
How does
this relate to my 'puzzle' dilemma? The
world holds many tempting distractions that keep us from having the time or interest to accomplish things that
will pay forward and make a positive difference in the lives of others. When the time comes for the big picture to
finally be revealed to us, may I have turned my puzzle pieces into small acts
of kindness in appreciation for all of the pieces, big and small that others
have given to me, that have helped me to make sense of this amazing puzzle called life.
Living life
fully, by giving, is truly a Magnificent Obsession - Onwards!