Spring is now officially fourteen days away; someone
needs to let the snow suppliers know that they can scale back on the deliveries
any time now. I'm looking at four feet of snow in our back yard, and although
it is giving us a beautiful, bright, blank page to write on, I don't need to be
writing a tome!
Actually, a blank page may be what we all need right now,
with the potential to reassess and to start living life with a new sense of
appreciation for the gifts that we have been blessed with. We are all grappling
with the knowledge that, as we sit in uneasy comfort, our brothers and sisters
in the Ukraine have had their lives torn apart. We wonder what the future holds
for us all, and what we can do to help to promote peace.
I believe that peace has to begin within each of us, one
moment at a time, one kind thought at a time, building exponentially from kind
word to kind word, caring smile to caring smile, one act of forgiveness to
total forgiveness of others, and of ourselves. In the words of Desmond Tutu, "Do
your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put
together that overwhelm the world."
Springs and Joy Sings!
For within each of us,
Wisdom dwells,
Our spirit's dear companion;
Living alongside our human essence,
In quiet contemplation of our desires and
Our efforts to give;
Its sole purpose is to guide us to giving
It is the voice within
That puts a stop on our tongues
When hurtful words prepare to leap forth,
Or when we would voice an untruth;
It asks only for a diet of humility,
And a letting go of earthly ambition;
But laughingly loves us,
Revels in every smile that we let escape,
Every kind act that we follow through on;
We are never alone.
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