Tuesday, 27 November 2012

In The Arms Of Christmas



I subtitled this post 'Lest We Forget' in recognition of the veterans of life that are not honoured as they should be.  They sit and lay in nursing homes, looked after by a staff of caring workers and nurses who are run off their feet - who barely have time to do the essential things that need to be done to keep their bodies from breaking down.  It is very frightening and degrading to be put into diapers again, to have to be lifted like a baby again, to be lost.  There is no time or resources to spend on that most precious commodity - self-respect and human dignity.   As the season of light, love and giving arrives, let us not forget to be advocates for these members of society who have lain down their lives over the years for their families, communities, churches, and their country, and are now in need of our remembrance and appreciation.



In The Arms Of Christmas

Lest We Forget

If wishing could walk,
And hoping could talk,
If faith could reach out
And wash away fear,
If my eyes could just speak
Through this body so weak
And let the world know
That I’m still living here.

If my heart could take wing
And my memory could sing
And my ears hear again
Those melodies clear,
I would rise from this chair
And dance on the air
And rejoice
In the arms of Christmas.

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