Thursday 21 December 2017

A Visit From My Christmas Spirit

At such a joyous time of year,
My Christmas spirit's in low gear -
I'm putting too much octane
In my tank of busyness;
Instead of looking 'round to see
The beauty that's surrounding me,
My eyes keep looking inward
Focusing on my own mess.

The Spirit, longing to impart
Its gift of hope to lift my heart,
I seem to have wrapped up and left
beneath the Christmas tree;
This precious gift that can't be bought
Should not be left to afterthought,
But opened first and shared a lot
With friends and family. 

As I pay it more attention,
Pause, and take time for reflection,
It is growing, speeding up,
Approaching second gear;
I'm heeding now its hopeful voice,
Speaking of a wiser choice:
To take each moment that I'm given
And spend it well this year.

          "If I could make you smile,
            For just a little while,
            It would give me such a lift
            To help you find
            Your forward shift
            That would be the perfect gift,
            One that we could open together,
            No ribbon to untie."

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