Friday 10 January 2020

Don't Worry - Be Happy This New Year!
.   "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."    Thank you for your wise words, Mother Theresa.
This year is starting off with an air of impending doom on so many fronts, with the heaviest clouds darkening  the environment and world peace.   Some Happy New Year- right?  It is a difficult task lifting those heavy blankets and checking on the beauty that is still there, huddling underneath.  But it is there in so many forms.   Every day we are given the opportunity to contribute more beauty, more positives, more smiles to life's balance sheet.   Let us light up the darkness with a barrage of  kind acts, big and small - I know that so many of you already are.  I do not pretend to understand all of the complicated causes of depression; what I do know personally is that each time I decide to make a plan to help another, to turn my focus on another,  my happiness ratchets up many notches.  Therefore, my New Year's resolution will be to increase my awareness of others' needs, and to step out of my self-absorption more often.  I will invest in moments of prayerful silence and step often  into my "Happy Place" to restore my spirit and my kindness quotient;

My Happy Place - A Meditation

There is great peace in solitude,  
While walking in a peaceful wood,
But walking through a stressful day,
With problems blocking every way,
I need to find a happy place,
A memory room,  a welcome space,
A glistening, calming ocean shore,
An oasis deep within my core.
Breathing deeply, in I walk,
Letting go of time and talk;
At times it's hard to struggle through,
When answers are obscured from view;
Yet, in that silence, I'm aware
That someone's always waiting there,
A grandma's hug,
 A friendly tug
From one who says, with humble grace,
"Welcome to
Your happy place."

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