Wednesday 22 July 2020

Light, Love, and Shadows

'Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.' - Maori proverb

Where do we look when the light is obscured,
And the shadows seem to have broken their bonds,
When we feel that hope is a distant dream,
And the love within
Is drowned in the din
Of our soul crying out 
For a road past our doubt,
Where surely, there must be a happy beyond;

Those shadows fall back when we turn towards the light,
For darkness cannot intrude into love,
Though it looms so large at end of the day,
And though it may try
To foster the lie
That it is much stronger,
That it will last longer;
 Love always chases the darkness away;

To ebb or grow brighter is our choice to make;
As we open the portals of our eyes and smiles,
And send our love flying in 'heartbeams' of light,
Our search comes full circle,
We need look no further,
The prayers of the humble,
Cause darkness to crumble,
We are masters of shadows; they cower in fright.

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