Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Autumn - a time to slow down and notice all of the elements of the Great Composer's works:

Yesterday, as I headed off on my walk down to the river, I slowed my pace and began to take note of all the little wonders around me.  I hadn't put on my 'little boots' in quite a while and it proved very rewarding.   I took deep breaths and filled my lungs with the smells of Autumn; ripening crops, grasses and flowers  ... and fish?    Coming down the path towards me was  an unexpected  wonder - a young mink came barrelling up the path towards me and almost went head over heels making an abrupt stop; I could almost hear his "Whoa!!"    Apparently, he was a regular customer or should I say, recycler, checking out the discarded fish left by fishermen along the bank.    He took a detour around me down the length of the riverbank, stopping every once in awhile to sit up and check me out, and I took time out to just stand and watch him.  I was filled with a special feeling of joy in being noticed by this free spirit.

As I neared our street on the way home, my little boots must still have been showing; coming down the street towards me were three young boys on bicycles, and as they passed me they each in turn held up a hand for a 'high five!'   They were playing a game to see how many of the people they encountered would respond to their invitation.   Once more, I felt a special joy in being included in the play of these free spirits!
Autumn's Call To Rest
The great Conductor
Takes up his baton,
A silence fills the air;
He calls for a rest,
Which is sometimes the best
Of all sounds to a hopeful ear;

Autumn stands at attention,
Mother Nature takes her cue,
As the Great Composer's work takes form,
In colours of every hue,

He begins with a gentle adagio,
Setting the perfect pace,
Stepping up to lead the others,
As the players take their place;

Each element of life comes in
At their appointed time,
Adding their sweet harmony,
To a song of wordless rhyme;

From andante to allegro,
The symphony builds and grows,
In colours and sounds and sights profound,
To crescendo as Nature glows!

And we with our gifts, our colours,
Are invited to take our place,
To stand at attention and listen,
Then to sing with strength and  grace,
And to heed the request,
To wait for the best,
The song is not finished,
But merely at rest.

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